Sunday, January 22, 2006

Zonal-therapeutic massage

Zonal-therapeutic massage

With fresh Aleo Vera juice and special oils.

Head, neck and face




Full body work

Minimum 18 minutes/session = 900 Rs or, = ?…. ?= exchange in gift!

By appointments ONLY.

Write, or call

+937 0059 777 /+ 241-2548-326

Friday, January 20, 2006

Home-made Health Food service =خدمات خوراک خانگی و سالم

Home-made Health Food service =خدمات خوراک خانگی و سالم

سلام/ متن زیر را الان از روی چند سندی که مدتی قبل در پونا تهیه کرده بودم درست کردم!
برای خالی نماندن پست ها و به روز شدن این وبلاگ آن را در اینجا می آورم تا مگر.......
Peace, the following file i just made from a few docs i made in Pune last year. wanted to start it as a 'home business' and the 'test' was positive, but it just did not happen! Here, since things have changed, i just made those ideas into one file and post it now, may be some of the 'local' sisters and brothers may use this service. Jay Jay Mehr Baba............

هو حق
خوراک سالم خانگی

پرانرژی، مغذی، با صرفه

مواد اولیه سالم و بهداشتی + 30 سال مهارت آشپزی + تهیه شده با عشق و محبت

صبحانه + نهار + عصرانه + شام

نوع محصولات: ....سوپ + سالاد + ساندویچ + شیرینی + شربت + پیتزا + سس های متنوع

چرا بهترین خوراک را نخوریم؟

Eat To Live, or Live to Eat?

Whichever! MAXIMIZE the pleasure, Bon Appetite!….

Home-made health food, with love and care,

Satvic (pure vegetarian) and hygienic

Home-made Health Food

To take out and by order

Special Saffron Sauce (chashni = chattnie) =
Home-made fresh Mayan ayes + oats + yogurt + Saffron + lots of love

Special dip = Fresh home-made mayonnaise + Amul cheese + Whole wheat bread + Spices + lots of love

Special cheese-potato salad = cashio nuts + baked potatoes +
soya sauce+ natural vinegar + pickles + Nestle yogurt + olive oil +
Amul Cheese + fresh vegetables + spices + lots of love…

Special snack = Amul cheese + Fresh home made mayonnaise +
mashed potato + spices + lots of love

Specil Sherbet Drink = Dabur honey + mint natural essence + Saffron + spices + lots of love…

Special Pizza = Amul cheese + Olive oil + fresh tomato + Walnuts, cushion nuts, peanuts + lots of love…

Special Halva = Sun flower seeds + seaseme seeds + peanuts + Dabur Honey + chick-pea flour + Spices + lots of love….
Please chew well enough to taste the REAL taste!

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Jay Meher Baba

In Baba's love and at His service,
“following His conditions”…

7*24 Seva (services) for all:

1. Silent zone, open for all, every day, 3-5 pm with live and recorded poetry and music. Musicians are welcomed with their instruments. Refreshments served. Bring your own poetry books, cameras, water and snacks.

2. Zone-therapy treatment, 30 years of experience, with fresh Aloe Vera plant, natural crystals and Ayurvedic oils.

3. Emotional counseling and healing : “from hatred to love”: for all ages and professions, individual sessions and group workshops, specially recommended for psychotherapists and those involved in any kinds of therapy.

4. Instructional training programs in self-development, yoga and zen. Designed for individuals and groups, according to the age.

5. Persian Language sessions, with poems of Molanas Rumi and Hafez used as text books.

6. Baby sitting for all ages, in a loving learning environment.

7. Home-made health food for bodymindsoul. Satvic (pure), highly nutritious and balanced food and drink preparations for groups and individuals, all ages and tastes.

8. Multilingual translation services.

9. Computer facilities, broadband internet connection, land and mobile phone facilities, ...

Call Mohsen 0091 93 700 59 777

home 0091-241-2548-326

All visits by appointments, PLEASE!